Miku Miku Dance Models

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661 Models on file
Hatsune Miku
 BRS miku v1.0(J&J Edit) R-18
* Size: 1.154.910 Byte
* PMX Ver: 2,0
* Model Name: BRS miku (J & J Edit)
* Number of vertices: 15.674
* Number of rigid body: 48

 Hatsune Miku

  7,984   29
 Baby Doll - Strawberry Sorbet

  7,060   1
 Bad Boy by Crystallyna

  3,861   71
 Beach Gumi

  3,722   0

  3,793   0
 Big Boobs Sister Aline Dragon

  6,208   6
 Bikini Miku by EmoGurlAlex Black

  3,942   0
 Bikini Miku by EmoGurlAlex Blue

  5,672   4
 Bikini Miku by EmoGurlAlex Pink

  3,918   63
 Bikini Miku

  4,451   0
Hatsune Miku
 Black Dragon
* Size: 2.179.362 Byte
* PMX Ver: 2,0
* Model Name: Black Dragon
* Number of vertices: 33.533
* Number of rigid body: 63

* Comment:
Tda type Hatsune Miku append modified noise Miku black dragon
AutoLuminous corresponding model
Please be used with morph "AL unused" and "LightOff" to 1 if you do not want to use the AutoLuminous
(The color of the material in order to cope with AL is in for AL)

Miku modeling: Tda Mr.
Anti-body kokuryu modeling: Aoikami P
Modification: VEZON

 Hatsune Miku

  3,663   71
 Black Heart Neptunia

  3,505   71
 Black Reimu X

  3,438   0
Black Rock Shooter
 Black Rock Shooter Bunny
* Size: 368.491 Byte
* Model Name: BRS Bunny
* Number of vertices: 2.919
* Number of rigid body: 18

* Comment:
From Black Rock Shooter: The Game

Model by ImageEpoch
Ripped by StickLove
Facials, finger rigging, hair physics by AndreehXD

Edit by Yami Sweet (spa + rigging): 'D

 Black Rock Shooter

  3,626   6,460
 Black Sister

  3,751   70
 Blazer by Crystallyna

  3,479   0
 Bleach - Neliel

  4,118   73
 Bless You Rin

  3,643   0
 Bless You by Crystallyna

  3,583   69
 Blue Rose ver1.0

  3,579   1
 Bondage Haku


  3,869   1
 Bondage Luka

  3,895   0
Hatsune Miku
 Bride Miku
* Size: 4.874.574 Byte
* PMX Ver: 2,0
* Model Name: Tda type Miku-swimsuit-based
* Number of vertices: 56.931
* Number of rigid body: 368

* Comment:
Tda type Hatsune Miku append Ver1.00
AutoLuminous corresponding model
Please be used with morph "AL unused" and "LightOff" to 1 if you do not want to use the AutoLuminous
(The color of the material in order to cope with AL is in for AL)

Modeling: Tda

The modified to suit more Hotel
Modification: aga

 Hatsune Miku

  3,601   72
 Bunny Ear Parka Miku

  3,434   0
 Bunny IA

  3,964   0
Megurine Luka
 Bunny Luka
* Size: 1.659.766 Byte
* PMX Ver: 2,0
* Model Name: Tda Luka bunny Joyride
* Number of vertices: 20.828
* Number of rigid body: 81

* Comment:
Tda type append Miku V1 Tda production

Modification aga

 Megurine Luka

  4,147   0
Hatsune Miku
 Bunny Miku
* Size: 1.519.009 Byte
* PMX Ver: 2,0
* Model Name: Tda Luka bunny Joyride
* Number of vertices: 20.021
* Number of rigid body: 60

* Comment:
Tda type append Miku V1 Tda production

Modification aga

 Hatsune Miku

  3,957   67
Neru Akita
 Bunny Neru
* Size: 2.165.328 Byte
* PMX Ver: 2,0
* Model Name: Tda Luka bunny Joyride
* Number of vertices: 26.562
* Number of rigid body: 56

* Comment:
Tda type append Miku V1 Tda production

Modification aga

 Neru Akita

  3,719   3
Teto Kasane
 Bunny Teto
* Size: 1.546.895 Byte
* PMX Ver: 2,0
* Model Name: Tda Luka bunny Joyride
* Number of vertices: 23.289
* Number of rigid body: 48

* Comment:
Tda type append Miku V1 Tda production

Modification aga

 Teto Kasane

  4,180   7
 Bunny Yuzuki Yukari

  3,538   72
 Byakuren Hijiri by Hiro

  3,798   0

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Miku Miku Dance, very commonly abbreviated to MMD, is a proprietary freeware animation program that lets users animate and create 3D animation movies, originally produced for the Vocaloid character Hatsune Miku. The MikuMikuDance program itself was programmed by Yu Higuchi (HiguchiM) and has gone through significant upgrades since its creation. Its production was made as part of the VOCALOID Promotion Video Project (VPVP).

Download the Latest Version of MikuMikuDance: MMD 9.26 at LearnMMD This site includes tutorials and more.

For questions, or sugestions. Mail me at
jaralowell@gmail.com. Or press button bellow to post a comment

Website Comments
Miku Miku Dance version 9.26


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All other copyrights and trademarks are property of Miku Miku Dance, DrawMove, Jara Lowell and their creators and respective owners.