Welcome! To my Miku Miku Dance Model Collection!
As my collection grew over time, i needed a place to easy find what i have and what i do not have. So to an screen shot of it thus this site was born.
Over time i am sure more and more models will be added and i hope so to that perhaps people like to comment on them or share there expiriance of them
with us all. None of the model files are hosted on this server, we nly host an image of said model to help you deside if you shuold go and find it.
Most models can be found on Deviant Art,
4chan.org or simply at YouTube.
Lets head over to the models ! you can choose from A to Z and # for other files. A seurch function is semi working as well, i will try to improve that soon so to.
To the Models >
Models on my page are all rendered with MikuMik Dance version 7.39 64Bit, Shaders used:
Mechanic Mirror